hi i am using mudfish for the

hi i am using mudfish for the first time. Needs a little help.

hi i am using mudfish for the first time. Needs a little help.

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

i want to play warframe on us server from australia which is where i live.

When I checked your account, it seems you already equipped Warframe game item. Please check How do I know if its working? section and check the realtime graph whether it moves like that while playing the game with Mudfish.

i think i am getting
MUDEC_00045 specifically

“The client doesn’t response with DHCP protocol”

basically, there was 4 solutions that is possible to the problem. 2 of them didn’t apply to me, as i am using windows 7 and no anti-virus problem. That leaves the solution to the other 2. For the f you’re using v4.3.13 or above for Window solution, i could not follow the steps, as i do not what a Target(T)” box is. As for the Check TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device , i could not find it,

제가 요금제종량제로 다시 변경해 드렸습니다. :-) 확인해 보시고 문제 있으시면 언제든지 답변 부탁드립니다.

리그오브레전드 pbe서버를 이용하고 있습니다. 종량제로 바꾸면 변화가 있을줄 알았는데 변화가 없네요.. 사용전 220ms가 나왔는데 사용하니 223~4ms가 나오네요;;중계서버가 잘못된건가요? 아니면 다른 문제가 잇는건가요??

음.. 제가 wjdtmdgur1 님의 설정을 봐서는 특별히 잘못 된 것은 없어 보입니다. 다만, 아이템 설정 메뉴에 들어가셔서 중계 서버 설정을 FAQ-중계 서버 관련 문서를 기반으로 변경하시고, 여러 가지 중계 서버를 사용하여 테스트를 해보셨는지요? 먼가 이 부분은 어떤 중계 서버를 선택하느냐에 따라 결과가 다를 꺼라 판단이 됩니다.

full vpn을 끄니깐 핑이 20가량 내려가네요 제가 full vpn설정을 잘못한건가요??

음.. 글쎄요.. Full VPN 모드 에서 선택한 중계 서버랑, 아이템에서 선택한 중계 서버가 동일한 상태인 것은 맞나요? 만약 동일한 중계 서버를 사용하도록 세팅을 했는데, 20 ms 가 내려갔다면 ㅠ.ㅠ 먼가 살짝 이해하기 힘든 상황으로 보입니다..

Could you please confirm that it's also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

Thank you for sending the packet dump. However did you sent this to ask registering new game? If then please explain little bit more for me about what it's.

동일한 중계서버로 만들어보니 핑에는 변화가 없네요

Oh this was for the Modern Warfare Beta. I used full vpn mode while playing it last week.

Is the game served at https://www.callofduty.com/modernwarfare ?

Yes I believe so

However could you confirm again that you enabled Full VPN mode while playing the game? When I checked this game dump, I can't see game related traffics. :-( When you get a chance, please send me again.