Hi, i recently just changed my

Hi, i recently just changed my data plan to “subscription” ever since, i have trouble connecting to the game and the lag is even worst than without this VPN. Any solutions?


Please try to turn off FastConnect mode.

FastConnect mode is for TCP services.

Data Plans

Now it just says MUDEC_00330: Slowed down due to speed limitation

In Subscription Plan, it is just
credit-fixed for 1 month but speed
limited as 1
Mbps except for first 3 seconds. Most Mudfish items are available at $
0.88 for 1 month
It uses $ 0.029 day by day.

Pay-Per-Traffic users can use Mudfish Items as a nodes’ maximum
capable speed at that time. Without extra-pay but weighted.
It’s flexible how long will going your credits. The Pay-Per-Traffic plan

consumes 2 times as based capacity of a node’s up and download traffic.