Hi, i tried recently Mudfish and i have problem with that. I play Blade & Soul with FastConnect mode on. Before when i did nothing my ping was good (90~110 ms) with Mudfish but now when i launch Mudfish and play my game. My ping is about 400ms and i dont know why, i search everywhere…;When i check nodes, he said i should being 124ms, i tried to switch nodes but it dont change.
Nobody can help me ? When i connected to Mudfish, my bandwidth of upload is high. Is it normal ?
Hi, thanks for answering. I have no web filter, i have also disable firewall desktop. This is a graph when i play on my game http://imgur.com/a/sXpFJ. I have about 290ms and when i play without mudfish i have 90-140ms. I see many errors on process core log if it can help you -> http://imgur.com/a/ulMqG.
At the beginning, i tried “Auto Selection” but after i tried. The server is situed on Texas si i took “US Central TX” for game server location. But when i play, Mudfish tell me that my ping should be 110 ms, but when i’m on the game i have 400 ms…I tried to change mudfish nodes, it change little but i always have superior ping than 110ms.
Yes i already tried “Full VPN Mode” but i have also high ping. Don’t understand why i have high ping when mudfish tell me i should get about 120ms…
Have you an idea why i can’t switch subscription to pay per traffic ?
Cool! :-) Please let me know if there are any other problems.
Also, sometimes the dashboard shows 200ping when I start running it. After I restart several times, it will becomes 40 ping again, what can I do to make sure it starts at 40pings every time?
Did you try to change a mudfish node based on FAQ - Nodes section for your game item? If you’re using the advanced mode, please start with the basic mode.
yes I tried
Sure. If you get a chance, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
To add new game server, I need some game packets to analyze.
done hopefully ive done it right
Please check it again. Recently I’d updated the game item.
Seems to be working fine on my end thanks
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.
https://i.imgur.com/Ec9fmqe.png the routing path is going to EU/Asia instead of US east any idea what’s happening :o
RTT Checking was broken at Mudfish side so I’d updated the information again. Please check it again whether it’s still same.
working again bless