hi, i was downloading game (

hi, i was downloading game (the division) and it wasn’t on full vpn, i only have pso2 ticked but then it constantly deducted my credit.this shouldn’t be happening as i did not have full vpn on. now i have to buy the vpn because i’m out of credit.??


this does not make sense.

i had 2.3x USD before this.

i’m going to buy credit again since i need the vpn for pso2 but i hope mudfish can be fair to refund the amount that should have never been deducted as i did not have full vpn on.

Some items in Mudfish has conflict with services
on AWS like twitch so they would affected by your network access even without Full VPN mode.

Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish

and with that in case, i’m not getting any refund?

i just want my credit balance back.

I’d reset your mudfish credits. :slight_smile: Please let me know if you want to refund your recent transaction. Thank you for your patience.

that’s fine, i’ll use the credits thank you!

Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.