Hi I've used WTFast and get l


I’ve used WTFast and get lower ping when playing realm royale but with mudfish i see no difference it doesn’t help. Please assist. I connect to singapore from Australia. I’ve tried everything but it doesnt seem to be working

1.It shows that mudfish is on but my in game ping is 140ms but in mudfish its 50ms, what should I believe? it does show traffic whilst in game but if i terminate mudfish my game is still connected

2.When I start mudfish its stuck and 10% but when i press self diagnosis and go back to the dashboard eveyrthing is fine?
3. When using full VPN it shows working when I check my IP, when in game ping in the same but Real time game traffic is higher in dashboard. Access log only shows VPN data
please could you address each question

I’ve used WTFast and get lower ping when playing realm royale but with
mudfish i see no difference it doesn’t help. Please assist. I connect to
singapore from Australia.

Please check How do I know if its working? section and check the realtime graph whether it moves like that.

It shows that mudfish is on but my in game ping is 140ms but in mudfish
its 50ms, what should I believe? it does show traffic whilst in game but
if i terminate mudfish my game is still connected

Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

When I start mudfish its stuck and 10% but when i press self diagnosis and go back to the dashboard eveyrthing is fine?

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

And if it works fine, then I think you can try to change your mudfish node from one to another.

after doing extra tests mudfish only works to reduce ping in full VPN mode it wont work if I dont use this. I dont want full VPN mode though because it uses too much data when I’m doing other things on my pc. Is there anyway to use it not in Full vpn mode?

If it only works with Full VPN mode, it means there’s some IP blocks missed. Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To update game server, I need some game packets to analyze.

I’ve sent two packet dumps called 'realm royale,. Please let me know if this is good enough

:frowning: Something was wrong because I can’t see your packet dump file at all… Please check Packet Capture with Mudfish link again to see how to send it via email. I think you need to send it via email as workaround… Sorry for this inconvenience.

I have sent it to your email please check. its labelled Realm royale as the subject

I’ve sent two packet dumps via email now. They are both called realm royale under subject line

:slight_smile: Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.

yes thank you so much this is working now! I really appreciate it :wink:

I have a few questions.

  1. PLease could you reset my credit sinceI had to use Full VPN mode and this made me use a lot of credit.
  2. Why did you add japan as a game destination?

PLease could you reply sooner or get someone ele to help out with support as you took 4 days to respond to me and its taken 2 weeks to fix my issue which is really long ;(

Here is my answer:

  1. No problem. I’d reset it for you.

  2. When I checked your packet dump, it seems you’d connecting to the Japan game server. However is there really a japan game server on the game? If not I need to remove it.

PLease could you reply sooner or get someone ele to help out with
support as you took 4 days to respond to me and its taken 2 weeks to fix
my issue which is really long ;(

:frowning: Yep I know. Currently our technical support moves like snail… Please understand.