Hi routing help

full VPN mode likely adjust network interface metric not work
when has multiple

want to puts in the back
and for adds specific ip through it

custom item IP based likely work
but some process likely has trouble with name based

@10101100101 I’m not sure that I understood your concerns properly. It looks like you have multiple questions in one topic. If possible, please create a topic per a question for the best result.

In Mudfish, when Full VPN mode is enabled, it adds the following routing table entries:


So it should not be affected even if multiple entries exist. However are you meaning that Full VPN mode doesn’t work properly. If then, please show us the result of ROUTE PRINT while this issue is happening.

thank you for your reply

acctually its one question
how to add specific IP through mudfish

when full VPN on
manipulating routing table likely not work
when has multiple or
full VPN mode adjust network interface or route metric likely not work

if not wrong after delets mudfishs still network goes through mudfish

if though mudfish custom item likely not very convenient compare to ROUTE ADD

If possible, could you please show me the output of ROUTE PRINT command when the issue happens?

At this moment, Create Custom Item is a best way to add a specific IP range into the routing table. If you prefer to ROUTE ADD command, it requires more knowledges of Mudfish internal.

its wrong
-------------likely because ping google.com IP not change causes high latency looks like passing though mudfish

thanks solved
after full VPN mode
delete for mudfish
then add specific IP through it working

If you deleted for Mudfish, please make sure that you might also need to delete too because it’s a part of the routing table for Full VPN mode.

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