How do i set this up? My ping on realm royale is still the same after I use your software.
Please check How do I know if its working? section and check the realtime graph whether it moves like that.
Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?
It only works with Full VPN mode mode enabled but this uses too much data? How do i make it work with full VPN mode off?
Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
I think I need some game packets to analyze and it seems mudfish game item should be updated.
It is sent. Please fix it so that I do not need to play with full VPN mode. Also do i get extra credits for the ones lost because I can only use this software on full VPN mode?
Umm… Could you please test it again? Recently I’d updated the game item.
Still does not work.
If then please send the game packet again… However is it always not working? Or sometimes it works or sometimes not?
It sometimes works but sometimes doesn’t. It should be around like 203-219 but some games it goes to 280+. I tested it on the US server now because queue time on asian server is too long. I uploaded without full VPN just then because full VPN takes too much of my data.
Ok I uploaded a file on the US server with full VPN enabled as well. I uploaded 1 with and 1 without. Can i also get my credits back until this is solved so I can play without full VPN on consistently? My credits are draining so fast.
EDIT: You haven’t replied in a couple of days so I deleted my game packets and re uploaded a longer gaming session for you to have more reliable results.
I think I’d checked your topics and answered.