HTTP Proxy in Python/Chrome Desktop

Hello. I tried using Mudfish HTTP Proxy in Python but it doesn’t authenticate my account or else. I also tried using it on Chrome browser but it doesn’t work or doesn’t ask for my username and password. but… I tried using it via Android Wifi (since you can only configure proxy on wifi settings) and browse something, it does ask me for username and password. Why is that?

If you have a plan to use Mudfish in Python, please check Mudfish HTTP / SOCKS Proxy for details about the connection information.

No idea why at this point. Did you try to use it in Firefox or MS Edge?

I already tried every possible way to do this but it doesn’t work. I also tried all of the TCP Ports, it just stuck on loading (or it doesn’t even load).

I also tried them and it doesn’t work. I also tried all of the available proxy switcher extensions to use (like proxy switcher or else).

The only thing I know is, it only works on mobile when I set a proxy in my wifi.

Weird… Are you under the network firewall? Or could you please show me your sample code about how you tried to access?

Without the details, it’s not easy to explain why.

OHHH. I forgot that I have ufw enabled on my debian server. Now it’s working. Thank you so much for the idea!

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