Huge traffic came from nowhere

I just got home today and check the dashboard.
I found that my credit is negative 7 USD.
I don’t know why, I only play two games with mudfish, and I’ve never updated them while using mudfish.
The only large traffic might affect yesterday is some games downloading in Steam.
The traffic in Steam shouldn’t go through mudfish right?
EVEN, even the traffic would go through mudfish, why didn’t it not stop at the moment the credit hit negative value?
Every time I forgot to add my credit while playing Apex, the mudfish immediately made me disconnected, why just this time, it keep the traffic negative to 7 USD???
May I get any explanation?

First sorry for this inconvenience. Unfortunately, I think your issue is related to Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish and CDN and Mudfish links. Please read these documents.

However, I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit.

No, I’m not watching Twitch, what I only did which may be related is to update games from Steam.
And today, it happened again, my credits went negative again while I were sleeping.
How can I prevent that if it was not from Twitch and may I get another reset? I read the doc, I guess what I can only do is not to use Mudfish anytime I download any games from Steam.
I think it’s a huge issue, Mudfish must inform users while they open any WFP item. However the only warning shown is in setup menu, which I have not opened it for almost half a yea from the day I started to use mudfish first time.

Please visit ‘Account → Edit profile’ menu to enable the Connection Log feature to see where your traffics were used. You can find it at link.

At this moment I don’t know why because as default we’re not doing any kind of logging to trace your traffics for privacy protection. So after enabling it, you can see connection logs at ‘Status → Access Log’ and check which IPs are used to consume the network traffics.

For your convenience, I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit.

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