I am unable to use certain nod

I am unable to use certain nodes, even tho they are shown to be better. Game just goes on timeout and doesn’t change whatever I do

Which nodes are you pointing?

None of the hungarian nodes work for me except INVITEL even tho my friends are connected to ServerAstra for example without connection issues (living ~5km from here). Basically what happens is, I select those, exit game, restart mudfish, relaunch game and I get kicked because of timeout. I copied his settings and I tried other guides as well to set up mudfish so I don’t know if it’s mudfish config based. First I thought it’s an issue with my router, so I tried allowing all traffic on every port but it was the same

Weird… Then did you try to change Connection Protocols to TCP protocol based and test it again?

I tried TCP with every option available. Either it’s not connecting or It makes me lag. I usually get around 20-24ms but with TCP it goes up to stable 200ms

Is it your ISP same with your friend? Not sure why at this moment but it seems your ISP could have poor connectivity to other ISPs.

https://pastebin.com/gqaUdQtV WinMTR result

It dies after xe-0-0-0.cr3-fra2.ip4.gtt.net every single time.

Umm… Thank you for this result. When I checked this result, it seems a connection between your desktop and mudfish node you’d picked was very clean. And a connection between mudfish node and xe-0-0-0.cr3-fra2.ip4.gtt.net is also stable. However it seems we don’t know what’s happening beyoung xe-0-0-0.cr3-fra2.ip4.gtt.net with WinMTR. :frowning:


I was messing around with settings and came up with this:

Setup 1:

  • using FastConnect mode
  • default router config
  • unchanged other config
    What happens: Game runs smoothly on low ping, but when I try to relog or change character I get an endless loading screen (possible timeout or something)

Setup 2:

  • not using FastConnect mode
  • default router config
  • unchanged other config
    What happens: Game goes timeout after account PIN and before accepting in-game ToS

Setup 3:

  • not using FastConnect mode
  • router settings forward TCP/UDP packets on every single port
  • unchanged other config
    What happens: Game runs fine, every single function works as intended, but I’m getting ping spikes during game with stable 21-24 ms spiking to 170 ms (comes off as a near 1 second delay in-game during spike)

Setup 4:

  • not using FastConnect mode
  • router settings forward TCP/UDP packets on every single port
  • Changed port usage to TCP instead of UDP in mudfish config
    What happens: unacceptable high ping (stable 180-250 ms) spiking up to 600 ms.

Setup 5:

  • using FastConnect mode
  • router settings forward TCP/UDP packets on every single port
  • unchanged other config
    happens: I get timeout on changing character or relog,
    I’m getting ping spikes during game with stable 21-24 ms spiking to 170
    ms (comes off as a near 1 second delay in-game during spike)

For this game Setup 1 type gameplay would be nice with being able to swap characters and relog.

This is now beyond my understanding. Welcoming any type of help

Hello. Sorry for the long update. I just decided to stop messing around with it because everything randomly started working perfectly. I didn’t touch any config and it works as it should, low ping, able to swap characters, everything is working fine. I think the problem was between my pc and the destination but I have no info about this obviously. Beside this everything works perfectly with default settings. One thing I’d like to ask now. Blade and Soul EU migrated their servers causing mudfish to be broken. Please change BnS EU server details when you have time so we can use it. Thx for all your help so far!

미꾸라지 앱 (Android 용) 대신 다른 VPN/DNS 광고 차단 앱 등을 실행하고 있다면 종료해 보시기 바랍니다.

What about Full VPN

Is there another option? Full VPN uses too many credits

MUDEC_00280 , MUDEC_00283


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