I am using your service as a v

I am using your service as a vpn your fking graph is not even accurate cuz i always get a ping spike when using your services

I use azure1 vpn in south korea in overwatch and it spikes to 400ms i do not know why,even with without subscription it also spike like hell,pls fix?

Did you check ‘Status -> Process’ menu to see the core logs? Please check there’s error or warning messages at there. Please try to change a mudfish node based on FAQ - Nodes section for your game item too. If you’re using the advanced mode, please start with the basic mode.

when i play the game , the server said that my ping to korea is 74ms,but when i play the game is 115ms pls help.i tried everything already.

Your traffic and your ping isnt matched into my game

If your data is showed through all your ping and your traffic is lesser and your ping to my game is more accurate i will change my subsciption to PPT,confirm your product is the best alr.

Weird… You’re saying that the pings of mudfish and in-game are different, right? Did you check with Full VPN mode enabled? Is it even same too?

Yes everything enabled,i also find it strange too.I am currently using wtfast,i must say that when i go wtfast my ping is 100,lets say if i get less traffic on azure1,i can connect with azure server but my ping spike like no one business cause of the traffic generated by the server…Yea i did everything already,unless you proving the traffic of that server is useless…other servers are also the same.

I used to get like 100 ping from azure1 server but now because of traffic on that server , my ping occasionally spiked up to 300ms and it drop and it goes up again…

I do want to have my refund for my subscription…thank you.And change my subscription plan to PPT…:slight_smile:

Okay… No problem. :slight_smile: I’d changed your data plan to PPT (Pay Per Traffic) and reset your changable date too. If you’d like to change it back I think you can do again.