I cannot connect to Crazy Arca

I cannot connect to Crazy Arcade

It opens successfully but when I try to log in, it says network is not ready

Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

I only want to use traffic over my game.

Over than playing game, surfing Facebook and watching Youtube are my routine so there is reason why I use full vpn mode for those things.

*there is no reason

I understand. :slight_smile: However could you please test with Full VPN mode enabled? I need to confirm that this issue is from the game item of mudfish or not. If Full VPN mode works without problems, it means there’s an issue at game item so I need to update the game item.

it doesn’t work as well

Which mudfish nodes did you test with Full VPN mode enabled? Some of mudfish nodes could be blocked by the game publisher. :frowning: So I think you should test with other korea nodes too.

You should try yourself as I has explained above. I tried every node and none of it works. I am connecting from US and please be responsive!

I remembered one time I was able to login (and play) to the game. It was Sejong Telecom 2; however, next time I log in, it was unable to do so.

You should try yourself as I has explained above. I tried every node and
none of it works. I am connecting from US and please be responsive!

I can’t test because I’m not at US and not with same ISP you’re using. So it’s not easy to reproduce at my end.

I remembered one time I was able to login (and play) to the game. It was
Sejong Telecom 2; however, next time I log in, it was unable to do so.

Weird… Then with Full VPN mode enabled (with Sejong Telecom 2), please change your Connection Protocols to another. Sometimes MTU could affect this issue.