I currently have 2 items in my

I currently have 2 items in my list for both games that i play.

I usually turn on the game that i'm playing and switch off the other.

Just wondering, is there any pros/cons of just leaving both game items on all the time instead of turning on/off depending on which game i'm currently playing?

Mudfish Item is a set of routing rules. It makes possible to send specific traffics to a Mudfish Node. On the other hand, Full VPN mode sends whole traffics to a Mudfish Node.

Using Mudfish Items may give a change to avoid unnecessary credit leakage but sometimes it won't work at some services based on CDNs like twitch. It served on AWS.

Anyway, there's a little theoretical differences between turning Item on/off on every single time or not because if you turning on a number of Items, it'll going to near Full VPN mode so it'll more reach to limit as your maximum bandwidth but it's just choosing allow and deny to send packets to a Node so it isn't much different if you don't use as much as that.

I see, so the items are basically just setting up the routing rules.

I don't use Full VPN mode and only turn on Mudfish when i play those 2 games.

So i guess it's fine if it just leave those 2 games activate all the time and just connect/disconnect Mudfish when i'm playing my games.

Thanks for your response =)

I'm not sure on other items but I know the FFXIV item constantly pings servers every 5 seconds or so slowly wasting credits if you leave it on while not playing.

Oh damn it lol.....

Alright back to manually switching on/off based on the game i'm currently playing then, safer.

Thanks again for your responses =)

The best way to test it is to enable an item and have no other web traffic happening on the machine. After doing so just watch the traffic graph and see if it is using any. fyi most items have an initial startup traffic spike which could make the smaller amounts of traffic look almost like zero until that spike leaves the graph.