I have read your email. My pla

I have read your email. My plan is subscription. There was no problem with my subscription plan. It has serve me very well for a year now. Suddenly about 2 days ago until now im having a high ping like 100+ on singapore,thailand,taiwan and japan servers.I usually choose singapore as my server and i will have like 50+ ping only. Does changing the subscription fix this? Im using the mudfish for Black desert online. Im from the Philippines btw.

In Subscription Plan, it is just
credit-fixed for 1 month but speed
limited as 1
Mbps except for first 3 seconds. Most Mudfish items are available at $
0.88 for 1 month
It uses $ 0.029 day by day.

Pay-Per-Traffic users can use Mudfish Items as a nodes’ maximum
capable speed at that time. Without extra-pay but weighted.
It’s flexible how long will going your credits. The Pay-Per-Traffic plan

consumes 2 times as based capacity of a node’s up and download traffic.