I just started using MUDFISH f

I just started using MUDFISH for Warface. Warface has added a new server: Honkong regional server, it is not yet listed here. Can you please add it? Server IP:

Amazing! Thank you, works like a charm.Is there any way I could connect to 2 servers at a time? The game can switch from EU to HK and vice versa on it’s own depending upon players in lobby.

I just realized that it’s not the HK Warface IP, the right one is : you please correct it? Thanks.

Ummmm… You mean that with Full VPN mode enabled it works fine?

In general, network congestion has getting increased on night to early
morning and many nodes get exceeded as out-of-traffic by getting close
to the end of the month so it would turned normal after the begin of the
next month

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미꾸라지 DNS Client

실행하고 접속해도 똑같이 Host is down 문구가 뜹니다

(주로 중국시간기준 저녁10시~12시 사이)

설명에 나오는대로 네트워크 설정을 해도 똑같이 Host is down문구가 뜨다가 불규칙한 리듬으로 됐다가 안됐다가가를 반복합니다…

관련된 해결책좀 댓글로 주욱 달아주시면…해보던지 하겠습니다…

(1개의 PC에서만 그런게아니라 2개의 PC에서 똑같은 현상이 발생하며, 동시에 Host is down이 발생합니다… (미꾸라지 계정을 2개 사용중입니다.)


  • 미꾸라지를 종료하고 관리자 권한으로 다시 실행해 보시기 바랍니다.


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