I just purchased your product but I keep getting these MUDEC_00049 errors when I try to connect. Please help:/
你玩GMS嗎? 可以加我LINE:lonely_yueh 我幫你
@charies102147 Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.
Is it still same? When I checked your configuration, it seems it’s already solved. Please let me know if it’s still same.
I have the same issue right now in my account. I extended my subscription but the balance wasn’t withdrawn from the wallet. I can’t connect to the server. even if I want to extend it more it says it will charge only 0.01$. is there a problem in the system?
@al_qanas20 Is it still same? When I checked your configuration, it seems it’s already solved. Please let me know if it’s still same.
@weongyo yes, it is solved. It was because of the new system for subscribtion. now everything works well.
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