I keep getting the [MUDEC_0004

I keep getting the MUDEC_00045 error and I’ve tried all the workarounds mentioned in the error article. Has anyone had issues with Bitdefender 2018 and Mudfish?

Did you try to use -I option too? With that option, at least MUDEC_00045 should be gone because it uses a different IP leasing function.

I did try the -I option but then my pings become much higher according to the Realtime RTT plot.

looks like something was wrong with my install of bitdefender. I re-installed it and now the MUDEC_00045 errors has gone away

:-) Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.

Hello, there is a way to know if it's working properly?

Also, the GM (from PandaTO) said its Server is at California.

Hello, there is a way to know if it's working properly?

Please check How do I know if its working? section and check the realtime graph whether it moves like that.

Also, the GM (from PandaTO) said its Server is at California.

Oooops really? When I checked your game packet, it looks it's US Central area. If you're sure that it's at California, please send me another packet dump.

The graph is weird. It was flat till 1~2min after game launched then it moved like the link you sent but it also became like that at the time before I launched the game (it was all flat before it refreshed).

It became flat again when I closed the game but it still has some spikes and my usage on "output" keeps increasing.

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