I top up credit with pay wall

I top up credit with pay wall through razer z gold, how long does it takes to get through?

I need to check it first. However is there anything you received from Paymentwall as receipt? If there’s, I can ask to them regarding your transaction.

Please check ASAP, this issue has been delayed for quite a period


how was it? it’s another day passed, no respond again

HELLO??? any follow up???

what is wrong with your people??? such a small amount credit issue still not resolve for a week, is it paywall problem? mudfish problem? or we as paying customer problem???

Please don’t add new comments after creating a topic because it’ll be bumped and reset your priority to get answers.

I think it’s paymentwall problem. Even at the administrator console of Paymentwall, I can’t find your transaction at all. Please don’t use Razer Gold in the future. :frowning:

noted, l thank you for the effort on resolving this, but please notify payment wall regarding Razer gold problem, do not include them in your payment option, problem should be from Razer end or Paywall end. l believe some of the user have the same problem as me

Hi admin, would like to update you guys, today l receive an email paywall regarding razer z gold, hope this will help your side


Thank you for these updates. I’ll monitor this issue little bit more because it seems Paymentwall still doesn’t notify this payment information to Mudfish side.