I tried playing BDO NA and it

I tried playing BDO NA and it seems I cant get mudfish working. I dont know if its the nodes I chose but i dont think thats the case since ive tried every possible node that fits the criteria for the node faq. After starting mudfish, It wont let me connect anymore to the game or even the game website and after a while i cant access any sites at all. I had to restart my device or turn off my internet just to regain access. I tried doing full vpn and all the stuff i could find off the internet for a troubleshoot but it never fixed the problem. I actually had it working once but after re booting my system I couldnt play again. EDIT: I tried changing nodes from what I used last time it worked and it did work.

hey there! it seems it was just proper node choice and some patience but mudfish worked perfectly! until now. it seems i have a problem which i just posted.


Please try to turn off FastConnect mode then change your Connection



will NOT useful in UDP. This feature is for TCP services.
