I’m using black desert in full VPN mode because I wasn’t able to launch the game with just the item equiped, but I’m afraid it will consume all my credits since it counts everything. Is there a way to configure only the launcher and the game?
Good question. I also need to know.
It suddenly stopped happening, now I can easily log into the game without Full VPN Mode, however, the game constantly loses connection, and I have to close mudfish so I can play without getting dced, I don’t actually get disconnected but the game stops working, and it only comes back after I restart it or close mudfish.
It seems like it worked. Thank you for the support.
It seems your issue is already be solved. If not please let me know again.
Weird… However thank you for sending these files. Could you please show me the result of netstat -nr
when your issue happens? I’m curious how the routing table entries are set.
Here it goes: https://pastebin.com/1Yjakyvj
Weird thing: the first time I ran mudrun this issue didn’t happen, although I could see a “X” in the “Process” area of the Dashboard. This is netstat -nr at the time of the first run of mudrun, when the internet was still working: https://pastebin.com/bMRcf5Vq
Thank you for sending the routing table result. However it seems mudfish did something wrong to set the default routing path but I don’t know why it try to set the default gateway even if Full VPN mode isn’t set. Did you try to change any configuration for DHCP client?
I didn’t change any configuration in my internet connection, I plugged in the cable and was ready to go. But I did install a simple firewall.
패킷 덤프 보내주셔서 감사합니다. 제가 아이템 업데이트를 해보았는데 한번 테스트 부탁드리겠습니다. 시도해 보시고 여전히 제대로 동작을 하지 않는다면 말씀해 주세요.
음… 일단 http://ko.loxch.com/userrtt/?uid=1311 링크를 살펴보시면 현재 PowerKan 님의 미꾸라지 중계 서버들로의 RTT 정보인데요, RTT 평균도 중요하지만 현재 표준편차값이 좀 높게 형성되어 있습니다.
혹시 현재 사용하고 계신 ISP 도 확인해 보셨는지요? 연결 상태가 좋아 보이지 않습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ
No idea why your linux distribution try to set the wrong default gateway when Mudfish is launched. I don’t think this is a mudfish issue but it seems it’s a missed one of mudfish because it’s not supported linux distribution.