
Found and fixed Segmentation Fault so please check mudfish.net/releases/mudfish-4.5.3-linux-armv7l.sh and install again then run with

:/opt/mudfish/4.5.3/bin$ ./mudrun -a

Hi! It’s me again.

Works great with new script!!

Thank you so much

Here my results:


Please check basic functionality

@kwangseok Hi there. When I try to equip What`s my ip item mudfish stops and terminal give me this:

$ ./mudrun -a

Segmentation fault

Please check

md5sum mudfish-4.5.3-linux-armv7l.sh

is printing


then download the file again if your checksum is wrong.

Same here

$ md5sum mudfish-4.5.3-linux-armv7l.sh



Any suggestions?

$ ./mudrun -a

Segmentation fault

Is this SEGFAULT happening just after run mudrun command? or after some minutes later?

I’d bumped the version to v4.5.4. Please try to test with https://mudfish.net/releases/mudfish-4.5.4-linux-armv7l.sh link when you get a chance.

Hi there! I'm still alive here! :D It's happening after some minutes. Just after equip an item on webserver.

Tested version 4.5.4 and happened the same..

root@localhost:/opt/mudfish/4.5.4/bin# ./mudrun -a

Segmentation fault

Ps: I cannot find whats my ip on item -> equip -> Site

Please give it a try to other version with https://mudfish.net/releases/mudfish-4.6.1-linux-armv7l.sh

Hi there! Looks like ok but i think my ip doenst change it all





Somehow give me this message on mudfish's web:


Mon, 15 Jul 2019 13:24:24 GMT [2.864687] [CRIT] Assert ((odr_defaultGatewayStr) != 0) failed at ODR_AddSNodeToRoutingTable (./mud/os/linux/syscalls.c:1940) with 0

Oh my god...... :-( You're under IPv6 only network? If then you're first IPv6 customer. But definitely mudfish will be failed because it's not supporting IPv6 yet. If you can use IPv4 network to the public area, please try to use it.

Ok! I think it`s an Ubuntu network configuration. My public ip is not ipv6

Hi there!

Ipv6 disabled on Ubuntu and now my public ip is ok.

 # wget -qO- http://icanhazip.com


I've confirmed that mudfish is not working here

This appears again on webconsole


Wed, 17 Jul 2019 13:12:37 GMT [2.636411] [CRIT] Assert ((odr_defaultGatewayStr) != 0) failed at ODR_AddSNodeToRoutingTable (./mud/os/linux/syscalls.c:1940) with 0

I've installed lynx and test on https://myip.mudfish.net and my ip doesnt change for sure.

# lynx https://myip.mudfish.net


   You're accessing directly without Mudfish.

   Mudfish isn't working.

   Did you set Full VPN mode or equipped 'What's My IP?' item? Without

   explicit setting, Mudfish doesn't change your public IP at all. Please

   see the following document to check whether it's set correctly.

    * Check your public IP

Take a look on second screenshot. Looks like Process is not ok.

Could you please show me full messages of "Core Logs" which found at "Status -> Process" menu?

Sure! Here we go!

This appears again after log in.

Mon, 22 Jul 2019 13:38:24 GMT [2.701301] [CRIT] Assert ((odr_defaultGatewayStr) != 0) failed at ODR_AddSNodeToRoutingTable (./mud/os/linux/syscalls.c:1940) with 0

:-( No idea why this issue happens without checking more details. Could you please show the result of "netstat -nr" command? Sorry for bothering again.


Here you go! It's the same route table before and after run mudfish..

Okay.. As you can see the result of `netstat -nr`, the default gateway isn't existing on your routing table. I'm not sure why you didn't set it but please try to set and test again.