
Hi there! I've add a new route default

# route add default gw eth0

# netstat -nr

Kernel IP routing table

Destination    Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 eth0   U     0 0          0 eth0

And run mudfish again but it's not ok yet

# lynx https://myip.mudfish.net


   You're accessing directly without Mudfish.

   Mudfish isn't working.

   Did you set Full VPN mode or equipped 'What's My IP?' item? Without explicit setting, Mudfish doesn't change your public IP at all. Please see the following

   document to check whether it's set correctly.

     * Check your public IP

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   CEO: Mijung Han , Phone: +82-2-2659-0823, Fax: +82-2-2659-0824, Business License: 105-20-21666

   Address: 8F #803, 165, Magokjungang-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, 07788, South Korea

     2011-2019 Mudfish Networks

Are you meaning that even after adding the default gateway you still see the same error message? Please attach your core logs if possible because without it it's hard to follow the reason.

Hi there! Here you go!


Okay. When I checked your hours, it seems it becomes better than before. :-) However I need to check little bit more to see whole system. I'm curious that sending Problem Report works fine now. If then please try to send the problem report at that moment after mudfish is executed properly but it seems it doesn't work.

When I checked your log, it seems no fatal issues so I assume the basic functionality works but I need to double check that the routing table is set properly.

Problem reported successfully on Support -> Problem Report


Thanks a lot

Okay. I'll leave my answer at the problem report topic.