Item and Full VPN

Hello, can please explain why i getting different results when am using item and full vpn

Game: Starcraft Remastered
Server(node): * KR Asia (S. Korea - Xpeed)

So problem when i use item and server " * KR Asia (S. Korea - Xpeed)" i have very unstable connection to Korea players in starcraft, but if i do full vpn to same node " * KR Asia (S. Korea - Xpeed)" i have stable connection, how i can fix this?

We want play game using node * KR Asia (S. Korea - Xpeed) and at same time stream to twitch but its not possible when using Full VPN

(we need same result as full vpn, but only via item so we can stream)

UP, please i need help

UP :pray:

UP :upside_down_face: its starting looks like no one want to help me

upd. probably fixed did new tests and working now…

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