I bought topup for 22GiB, 22 days ago and i was testing mudfish for valorant. it did lower ping by 20ms but it keeps disconnecting me every minute please help. I am using UDP protocol and MTU is 1400. I tried TCP and its worse. it gives a lil more ping then UDP but it still keeps disconnecting
Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?
If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, it means there’s something a problem in the game item of Mudfish.
For that case, I need to collect some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish.
i did not know how to setup mudifsh correctly before. I had chosen Mumbai(where live) as destination server so i was having that issue. Now i have selected Paris as destination server so it does not disconnect every minute anymore. However it does disconnect sometimes. And i have been seeing unaccountable data usage. like everytime i open the page it is 1GiB less. even when data used on the dashboard shows 400MB
Please visit ‘Account → Edit profile’ menu to enable the Connection Log feature to see where your traffics were used. You can find it at https://mudfish.net/admin/user/modify link.
At this moment I don’t know why because as default we’re not doing any kind of logging to trace your traffics for privacy protection. So after enabling it, you can see connection logs at ‘Status → Access Log’.
it got worsened. Now the mudfish vpn is not doing anything. i am using the same settings. that was : destination server : paris, mudfish node: EU germany Amazon EC 2
it barely does anything please help
Not good. Did you pick
DE Europe (Germany - Amazon EC2 2)
mudfish node manually and test? I’m not sure that this issue is a mudfish node specific but please try to change a mudfish node to another and test too.
hello again. the issue has worsened now. i always do pick DE Europe (Germany - Amazon EC2 2) or 1 or sometimes 3 mudfish node manually in basic mode. before i used to get 117 ms with mudfish. now it acually increases my ping rather than reducing it. What i want to do is:
i live in mumbai. but i want to play valorant on frankfurt server(which is in germany). please tell me how do i properly setup mudfish? which server should i select as Destination server when equipping the valorant item and if other information which i also need to do
Not sure why for your issue at this point. Did you try to use Multi Path Mode or change Connection Protocols to “UDP (Port 10023) - Simple FEC”?
It looks like we need to know your ping latency comes from first.
It is not like it is not completely working. it does reduce my ping on dubai from 225ms to 32 ms (huge). and also for paris and london from 177-180 ms to 140ms. but what i hate is. it does not affect frankfurt server at all anymore. for multipath mode? which nodes should i select?
hey there. I have finally managed to fix the issue. I actually did not know how to actually find best nodes. i suggest adding some pictures on documents to show it. I used basic node Enquiry( the Signal bar icon) and found out server close to my destination server with Lowest score. and got my ping reduced to 115 ms. and on london it can reduce it to 128ms which is minus 50 ms . so i am good now. thanks for helping
on the other hand i was wondering if i should promote mudfish by making a youtube video on it?
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