Link up to Taiwan Ser (Tera) form London


The first one was my friend from UK Manchester link up to Taiwan ser
Second one was me from UK London link up to Taiwan Ser

we are trying link up to the same game ser, but why the ping was totally different ?

At this moment, I can’t figure out what’s difference. I need to compare RTT information of yours. Could you please tell me your friend’s mudfish ID?

I also can’t imagine how 90 ms ping is possible between UK Manchester to Taiwan…

Hello this is my friend ID, also he have tested with different location from Manchester to SG, the result was the same 80ping…
but for me from london to SG was 200+

@Jeffzccyss Thank you for these information. I’d checked cling4188 account but unfortunately it seems his results are wrong or incorrect because he doesn’t have any mudfish credits. :slight_smile:

And I saw that he never tried to connect or test a mudfish program with clicking ‘Connect’ button on the dashboard. So I’d set a trial credit now for his account. Please ask him that How to check the basic functionality works fine on his environment first.

@weongyo cause this is a new account, she just create it for the ping test, that’s why she didn’t have any credits, this result just wanna shows she connect from Manchester to Taiwan was below 100.
Is it possible to connect form europ to Asia can be 100ping ?

If I know correctly, no. As you might guess, this result is first time I see while operating the mudfish. So at this moment I can’t trust the result yet.

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