Lost ark abnormal data usetage

Hi mudfish team,

Can you check whats wrong with my vpn as it ate so much data I think it’s kind of dumb… I’m not even sure how I lost nearly 17gb data just playing lost ark

Really no help at all? i only selected Lost Ark item, not even on Full VPN and i used over 20GB in 3 days

hi any admins able to refund my credits and allow me the option to switch to subcription base?
i think its not even fair my data got used up in 1 day when i only used for 5days, and due to ur servers unable to differentiate between lost ark or any other websites is not even my fault… just reset back to 2.99USD and let me switch the subcription

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Please visit ‘Account → Edit profile’ menu to enable the Connection Log feature to see where your traffics were used.
At this moment I don’t know why because as default we’re not doing any kind of logging to trace your traffics for privacy protection. So after enabling it, you can see connection logs at ‘Status → Access Log’.

No problem. :slight_smile: I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit. However if you want to switch data plan, please check Data Plans link and follow the instructions.

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