Lost ark ru item not working

full vpn works fine although i would like to avoid that

I think the item needs to be updated. Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode if there’s a chance.

hey i just captured it. im not sure where im supposed to grab the uploaded file from. it says forums but i don’t see where it could be

hey there, still trying to find out where the uploaded packets go it is pretty vague

more perseverance https://mudfish.net/forums/7/topics/68791

Okay @thebasedtaka Please test it again when you get a chance. I’d updated the game item based on your packet dump. If it doesn’t still work, please capture more packets with Full VPN mode enabled and send us again.

i tried it a bit looks good so far, can login and move around

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