May I get a 24 hour trial period or something?

Hi there,

I’m trying to get back into an old Japanese MMO, but it seems that PIA can no longer trick this old game to pretend that I’m in Japan. I’ve been told that your service would work, but I would need to try it first.


Sorry for this inconvenience… I’d set a trial credit now for your account. :slight_smile: So I think you can use all mudfish nodes and features for a while. Please let me know if there are any problems or questions.

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There is no free trial on my account. It says that some credits are going into my account within 30minutes but it’s still not there.

Thank you for the trial. The good news is that you service worked 100%. The bad news is that the game I wanted to play crashes under Linux, so I can’t play it :frowning:

I tried to uninstall the Mudfish program using the command in your FAQ, but it doesn’t seem to work under Fedora Linux. Can you provide me with the proper one?

Thank you

To uninstall Mudfish in Linux? If then please use the following command

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/mudfish
$ sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/mudrun.desktop 
$ sudo rm -f /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/net.mudfish.mudrun.policy

Mudfish client on Linux always be installed under /opt/mudfish/ directory. So I think the above commands are enough to uninstall Mudfish completely.

Thank you

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