Minus Credit Balance

I noticed that I was no longer able to use Mudfish due to minus credit balance. I’ve been using Mudfish for a very long time and this is the first time I have ever had this happen to me. I typically have Mudfish set to tunnel through browser only (chrome, firefox etc) or through the game only.

My credit balance shows up as: $ -1.21 (USD)

Thank you!

Please visit ‘Account → Edit profile’ menu to enable the Connection Log feature to see where your traffics were used. You can find it at https://mudfish.net/admin/user/modify link.

At this moment I don’t know why because as default we’re not doing any kind of logging to trace your traffics for privacy protection. So after enabling it, you can see connection logs at ‘Status → Access Log’.

For your convenience, I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit.

im having same issues, with my mudfish credit suddenly became minus 2 dollar ish, connection log also doesnt show anything, i only use mudfish for specific program only, nvr full on

@renouille70 I’d left my answer on another topic you created on the Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at https://mudfish.net/forums/iwrote link.

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