MUDEC_01159: Unable to calculate RTT with destination using ICMP protocol for league of legends

Hey, I’m trying to play league of legends from Japan connecting to the EUW servers. However, I always get this message: “MUDEC_01159: Unable to calculate RTT with destination using ICMP protocol. If the problem persists, please contact an administrator via the Mudfish forum”. I would be grateful for any help.

Suddenly, I got RTT paths recommended. However, most nodes are not really improving my ping which is at around 250. There are still two red error icons indicating an item with CDN and cloud issues. In addition, whenever I try to connect, many error codes are displayed; while connected, I cannot log in to my league of legends account.

For EUW server the node the closest is DE Europe (Germany - Google)

You can try to test to which is the EUW Anycast IP. It’s located in various places like Amsterdam, Paris, London etc but the server location is Frankfurt Germany.

From Japan due to distance, it might be better to play on NA or even the SEA servers.

@Phazon0 When you get a chance, please test this issue again for EUW destination. I’d updated the game item for this case but I’m not sure that it works fine.