MUDEC_01159 - When trying to connect to Aion Classic EU

MUDEC_01159: Unable to calculate RTT with destination using ICMP protocol. If the problem persists, please contact the administrator through the Mudfish forum.

Is giving me ping in the 900s when using “Today’s Pathes”

Still having same issue, but roughly half the ping now.

@weongyo Any ideas?

Is it still same? When I checked your configuration, it seems it’s already solved. Please let me know if it’s still same.

“fixed” now, but was bad for 2 days, and then the following days it was abnormally high, and volatile connections. Just today, I got back to what appears to be normal. No idea what it was

Umm… Not sure what’s happening between your end and the game server.

If the issue happens again, please try to test your network status from your desktop to (Aion - Europe (Germany - Aion Classic)) using How to use WinMTR link.

I think this result shows you where this issue is from.

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