Mudfish and TV issue


Yesterday my mudfish was having some issues connecting and I asked some friends for help. They suggested me to reset the box I have at home that provides me internet, tv and phone. The mudfish issue was solved and I can connect normally now, however since I did that, the TV stopped working (it turns on/off, it just won’t show anything). When I uninstall the mudfish app on my computer, the TV works normally again, but whenever I install mudfish back, it stops working. I have no idea what the issue is or how to solve this.
My computer is a Mac, in case that is relevant.

Thank you in advance

Very interesting… So if I understand your network correctly, it looks like below and when you install Mudfish (even not running), your TV stops to work. Am I correct?

Router ----+-------- Your Macbook (with Mudfish)
           +-------- TV
           +-------- Phone 

According to this network diagram, Mudfish should not affect to your TV or Phone because they are physically separated. Did you to change Connection Protocols to TCP based and test too?

Thank you for the response!

Yes, that is similar to my home setup. I just have one more TV box from my provider between the router and the TV. I have just tried your suggestion of changing the connection protocols to TCP and everything stays the same. A friend suggested that mudfish might be messing up with the router tables somehow but neither him or me know how to check/solve that.

Thanks again for your response

It’s true that Mudfish changes the routing table. But it’s only limited within your macbook so I mean that it should not affect to your router and TV because they locate at completely (physically) separated lan port.

However do you have any other laptop or PC which runs Windows? I’m curious that it’s happening regardless of OS (macOS vs Windows) type…

No, unfortunately I only have macOS systems so I don’t have any way to check that…

I got it then it’s not easy to identify… However do you have a spare router you can test? If there’s I think you can try to make your network like below and test:

Router ----+--------+ Spare Router +-------Your Macbook (with Mudfish)
           +-------- TV
           +-------- Phone 

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