Mudfish can't connect to FFXIV servers. Sometimes if I switch nodes randomly it'll work again, but this isn't consistent. I am trying to connect to Elemental at the moment. I've already checked basic functionality and it seems to be working. I've tried switching TCP and UDP ports but it still doens't work consistently. While the vpn is active it also makes load times for browsers and discord extremely slow as well, even though full mode isn't on.
Yes, full VPN mode works perfectly fine. But I also watch videos on the side which uses up a lot of bandwidth so I'd rather not rely on that.
Edit: if I try to use UDP, it doesn't allow me to connect regardless of full vpn mode or item only, so I have to use TCP.
Yes, full VPN mode works perfectly fine. But I also watch videos on the side which uses up a lot of bandwidth so I'd rather not rely on that.
If you're familiar with Wireshark, please send me some packet dump files using Packet Capture with Wireshark link. It seems we need to check which game server IP is missing for this case. :-(
Edit: if I try to use UDP, it doesn't allow me to connect regardless of full vpn mode or item only, so I have to use TCP.
Are you under network firewall? If it only works with TCP, it means UDP traffics are filtered at somewhere.
Is this fine? Also, while I'm having this problem a lot of browser sites load slowly and give me a connection was interrupted error.
Thank you for sending the packet dump. However umm... It's not easy to follow your problem with this packet dump you sent. You pointed that a lot of browser sites becomes slow even not with Full VPN enabled, right? Then which specific web sites were slow while dumping this packet dump?
Discord sends messages slowly, and as for websites reddit, and ironically mudfish's website have a lot of trouble loading and constantly return a connection reset error.
Please try to
- change your node
Connection Protocol in TCPs
- consider to change MAC Address
- consider reducing MTU from 1450
- run Mudfish with option lowercase `-s`
then access to
- connect with Mudfish DNS Client If Mudfish DNS Client doesn't work,
- gpedit.msc - Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Template - Network - DNS Client - Turn off smart multi-homed name resolution - Enabled - OK
- Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections - TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 - Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties - General - Advanced... - IP Settings - Automatic metric - Interface metric - recommended 15
- use capital `-O` option to change the Mudfish's working method as refer Firewall - Mudfish Master Server
- China
I have tried all of the above steps and they have changed nothing. All issues are still there. Mudfish DNS connects fine, as does with the -s command.
Please let us know what contains in
* Status - Process - Core
mud _std .txt
files in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN
setupapi. .log
files in
You can inspect how network traffic goes on with tools like WinMTR or PingPlotter.
I've attached all the files you've requested to this folder. Full VPN thankfully works fine, but I really want to get this sorted out since it's never happened to me before.
Have you got any problem with nvidia programs?
@Espri, please check my answer at other topics.