맥북 (Big Sur 11.6.1)으로 미꾸라지 vpn을 돌려 롤을 하려고 하는데요… vpn을 실행하면 계속해서 96퍼센트에 멈춰 있고 Core가 작동을 안 한다고 하길래 봤는데 No mudfish_stdout.txt exists 라고 뜨네요. 이럴 땐 어떻게 해야 할까요?
I am a new mudfish user who is using a macbook (Big Sur 11.6.1) to play League. Whenever I try to connect to the server, however, the process is just stopped at 96% and it tells me that the core and flow controller is not working, saying that No mudfish_stdout.txt exists. How should I solve the problem??