Mudfish doesn't lower ping (Path of Exile) - BUT WORKS WITH FULL VPN

Hi, when connecting to this IP “” (path of exile instance IP), mudfish doesn’t seem to work.

I have very high ping when connecting to that IP, because of bad routing. I will copy and paste WinMTR below. I am trying to use mudfish to bypass this bad routing, but it doesn’t seem to do anything.

I have tried normal mudfish, mudfish DNS client, swapping nodes, advance route…

This is PoE Singapore server.



Hi. i tried the game with FullVPN mode on and it is working now. I am guessing that some IPs was not detected by the game item. I just sent a package dump for information. And i have gather some IPs that was causing high ping during my game. I was running with the default connection protocol

Thank you these information. Could you please test it again? I’d updated the game item based on your information.

It is working now, thank you so much. Amazing app amazing support.

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