Mudfish Folder deleted after restart

When ever I restart my PC Mudfish whole folder is vanished from my C drive. There is a prompt also on Quick Heal that a virus is running in memory when I use mudfish. Please help.

:frowning: Which anti-virus program you’re using? I think it’ll be a false positive from anti-virus program and normally they think mudflow.exe process does something wrong.

Did you try to exclude the following processes of mudfish?

  • mudrun.exe
  • mudflow.exe
  • mudfish.exe

I am using quick heal. Yes I tried excluding all these with the whole mudfish folder. But every time I restart my pc the mudfish gets vanished. Is there any other solution for this.

:frowning: Frankly no idea why… Which anti-virus program you’re using?

Quick heal Total security

Thank you for your feedback. :slight_smile: I’ll try to check and reproduce your issue on my environment.