Mudfish Full VPN doesn't work for PC browsers

I’m on the same network connection on my phone and PC, after using Mudfish Full VPN on my phone I am able to access blocked sites but full VPN on my pc doesn’t work for my browser.

Something to note is that when I access with Full VPN mode on Firefox it shows that I am not connected but if I do it with Microsoft Edge it shows that I am connected and everything is working fine.

Should I portforward for UDP ports or is there some workaround to fix Full VPN mode for me?

No. You don’t need to do the port-forwarding for Full VPN mode at all. Ummm… If you’re trying to connect the blocked sites, mostly it’s related with DNS. Did you try to encrypt the DNS requests on PC? For example, please visit link.

Seems to have solved the issue for me for now, thanks a lot!

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Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.

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