As the title said, I tried using Mudfish with Wuthering Waves but seems like it’s not working at all.
Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?
If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, it means there’s something a problem in the game item of Mudfish. For that case, I need to collect some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish.
Full VPN used to work, I tried WFP mode after and it also worked. I was about to try the Full VPN mode again for the packet capture but I’m running into a lot of problems, I saw a lot of error codes (016, 320, 431, 446) and frequent packet loss in the Realtime RTT graph. I have tried the -t option but seems like the problem still persists. WFP mode seems to be working with the -t option.
Not too sure if I did it right but I could only manage to get around 1-2mb, anything bigger than that it’ll fail to upload.
I’d left my answer on the packet dump topic you uploaded at Private Support menu. Please check it there. You can find your topics at link.
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