Mumbai Lightsale not working

Hi. I have been playing Battlegrounds Mobile india from Middle East Using Mumbai Lightsale Severs. Recently it has stopped working. I Dont know the reason behind it. Earlier mudfish used to work like a gem. But that is not the case now. The pings are not constant & sometimes even disconnects randomly. By the way not only i am having the issue but also my friends are complaining about the same.

Expecting your swift reply in this matter.As it is a case of emergency.

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Also kindly note that not only Mumbai lightsale but Mumbai Google,Amazon etc are also having these issues.

:frowning: Did you try to test with "IN Asia (Mumbai - Amazon Lightsail X) mudfish nodes? Its public IP are changed to another yesterday. However if it’s even same, I think that BGMI blocks a connection from the cloud computing providers such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and etc…

So you might need to use other mudfish nodes unfortunately.

Any other solution to this because the other nodes are having ping fluctuations. It sucks nd literally is affecting my gameplay.

yes i saw your comment… Any other solution to this because the other nodes are having ping fluctuations. It sucks nd literally is affecting my gameplay… amazon lightsail was good

I’m also facing same issue … other nodes are also not working…

I’m not sure the advanced mode could be helpful for this. Please check the below comment:

That one not working when we will get this problem solution

Dear ,

Kindly note that the issue is with Amazon Servers Only nd not any other cloud providers.

Please check if there is anyway to bypass this.