My internet stop working after few time after launch mudfish, start after 5.x.x version

I had a problem since i start use mudfish v5. Using mudfish for FF 14, not full vpn mode. After some time my internet stop working correctly, it look like system lost dns servers, so browser not longer open websites etc, but games (ff via mudfish, bdo with direct connection) and even ping at cmd still working, but you cant start new ping by domain name anymore. So all this fixed if you reconnect mudfish.
Any tips with it?

i downgrade to v 4.4.6, was on it before updated to v5, i will look if issue save

Weird… Did you try to change Connection Protocols to TCP based and test it again whether it’s even same?

i was at work so i will test v 4.4.6 tomorrow. I just dont understand why my direct connection had this problems when it must be 100% uneffected by mudfish working in item mode. I used mudfish a long time, never noticed it before few last upgrade, i think it could start at moment when mudfish get connection button in dashboard.

Same error with v 4.4.6 :frowning: Tryed TCP and TCP at last version of mudfish same error. I will try to describe:

  1. I turn on mudfish, start ping to game ip so i can see route working and My browsers show me my ISP ip adress and game ping change route to mudfish nods so nothing wrong at that moment.
  2. Do some stuff at pc for 1h
  3. My browser stop open pages, i cant use ping command by domain name, like but i can use ping to any ip adress.
  4. All games and soft run at moment keep runing without errors.
  5. Pings i start at 1. working, mudfish route active
  6. Mudfish dashboard stop working, disconnect button still working at v5.x.x.x
  7. I can set any proxy server at browser with any plugin and it will start open pages.
    When bug happened i tryed:
  8. Turn off antivirus
  9. Turn off all network software
  10. Turn off and on all browsers
    Bug fix instantly if i close mudfish with v 4.4.6 or press disconnect in dashboard with last version.

You don’t use Full VPN mode, right? If you’re not using Full VPN mode but it failed to perform DNS resolving like domain, it means that something is wrong in your OS rather than mudfish. Could you please show me the result of following commands when this issue happens?


I’m not sure that it shows a hint for your issue but I need to check it too.

Right, i dont use mudfish with Full VPN mode. Item mode for 1 game at the moment. And this is made my situation strange. And its not happen just after i start mudfish, all work fine for 30-60 mins and then domain resolving stop working. But it fix instantly when i turn mudfish off and this not happen if i dont use mudfish. Why my OS reacts on it like that i dont know. I will send all info you ask when i get it again. I will try do it today, but it could take few days i need to go at work tomorrow.

I think i solve problem. I change my lan dns settings from google for my router ip with my ISP DNS and add google as secondery DNS server. And after 2 days of testing no bug happen. But i will update this topic with info if it happen again.