My ping shown on the RTT dashboard is different from in game. (LOL)

My ping on the RTT display shows ~120 (Whats My IP), and ~15-20ms (League of Legends Los Angeles Google 3). But in game I am getting 65~75ping which is around what I normally get. Am I doing something wrong?

Weird… Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

Hi when I use FULL VPN mode I cannot log into the game and instead get an error message saying please check your vpn settings and internet connection. When I try to go to a website it says I cannot reach the websites IP address. Did some more reading and figured I may need to change my MAC address? But I am not sure what to change it to

No. I don’t think you need to change your MAC address.

Please check How to check the basic functionality link and try to follow to make sure that the basic functionality works fine.

If it even says there’s some errors, please visit ‘Status -> Process’ menu to see “Core” log section. At there you can show me full error messages.

The basic functionality works for 3 different nodes that I tried.
At Process there is one error in OPEN VPN section.
The error message says “No mudovpn.txt exists”

“Exceptional routes
When setting up a Full VPN, for certain routing paths it could use original network adapter without passing through the mudfish. Please input the routing path in CIDR format for each line.”

How can I find my routing path in CIDR format? I am trying every variation in my program set up

I don’t think you need to set “Exceptional routes” for this case. If it works fine to test How to check the basic functionality link, it means that at least mudfish works fine.

If it failed to log into the game with Full VPN mode, please try to test with other mudfish nodes. Might be that a mudfish node is blocked by the game pushlisher?

The problem is that I cannot log into internet websites either in FULL VPN mode. I will try more nodes and let you know

Could you pleas send me Problem Report? I need to check the internal logs.