Need league of legends(MENA) Nodes

Need league of legends MENA server nodes with full VPN mode getting 110 ping meanwhile getting 48 ping exitlag and other apps please help in this matter

@Pingman121 Are you meaning that your ping is aroung 110 ms even if you’re using Full VPN mode enabled?

Please check How to check the basic functionality link first whether it works fine or not. If it works good, then which a mudfish node did you use? Did you try to change a mudfish node to another one? Or pick a mudfish node closer to the game server?

I’ve done everything possible the best possible ping outcome was 110-160 fluctuation. I was choosing Dubai nodes in which only one was giving 110 rest are giving 200+ ms

Okay. Then if possible, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode at MENA region.

I’d like to check the public IP of the game server and analzye where it’s from.

Sure will upload it as fast as possible

Uploaded the packet dumps

I’d left my answer on the packet dump topic you uploaded at Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at link.

Upload 2 packet dumps 1 with normal quick game one without please check. Thank you

Thanks for the resolution it is working well now. Superb work

Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.

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