Couldnt seem to connect VPN to Freestyle 1. I need an updated version, please. Thankyou. Currently in Australia

Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, it means there’s something a problem in the game item of Mudfish.

For that case, I need to collect some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish.

I tried switching it to Full VPN mode, it did work but the problem now is I couldn’t seem to find a server that gives me the best ping. Do you have any server off hand that you could recommend that could support my gaming with a smoother service? I live in Sydney.

Also, for some reason ever after I get the VPN running it keeps on showing me this note.

“[8.514840] re173: MUDEC_00262: ODR_sendto() error to Message too long. Check your path MTU. (curmtu 1442 buflen 1470).”

Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To update the game item of mudfish, I need some game packets to analyze.

For this case, please check MUDEC_00262 error code for details.

The Error seemed to have been dealt with. The problem now that I couldn’t seem to solve is why I still run 140ms+ regardless of whatever server. I couldn’t play Freestyle without being delayed in my movements, worst, lagging. I’m in Sydney Australia, is there any specific servers that I should use or you could recommend? Or are there things that I should do with the VPN settings?

My Mudfish MTU is at 1400, Laptop is at 1400 as well Router is at default at 1480-1500.

are there any combinations of programs that you think would work for me? Thankyou

btw Im on Wifi not cabled.

Coud you please test it again? If I remember this issue properyl, the game item updated it again.

Please let me know again if your symptom is still same.

I’m getting same results regardless whether its Basic Mode or Full VPN mode, 140-150ms and delayed in my movements still when trying to play the game. Nothing has changed.

Please try to turn on “Include the result for the advanced mode” option which found under ‘Setup → Nodes’ menu. When it’s enabled, Today’s Pathes will show you the advanced results for route pathes.

Not sure that the advanced route makes any difference but we can try.

I’m back to 1000% Packet Loss in any server. This is frustrating. Smh

Umm… Is the packet loss from the mudfish dashboard? Or from the game client? When I checked the mudfish side, it looks good to measure RTT.

Mudfish Dashboard. and I simply can’t get a better ping as should expected when I’m on VPN.

Could you please send me Problem Report while this issue is happening? I need to check the internal logs.