New World ping not being reduced

After some changes to the item now the game is recognized in the baisc mode, but the ping is still the same as when mudfish is not on (using the East - Ohio node). I don’t know what could be causing this issue since when i check my ping in the Ohio server ping (which is the one NW servers are suppossed to be) actually gets reduced when i turn mudfish on, although i don’t know if it’s actually mudfish reducing the ping or just a coincidence.

Umm… When you get a chance, could you please test it again? I tried to update RTT information for the New World game item.

Atlanta Node:

Ping top left:

Ohio Node:

Auto Selection (Dallas, even tho servers are east coast):

I closed the game completely before swithing nodes each time

Very weird… If possible, could you please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need to check the game server IP you’re connecting…

Done, if you need a longer sample let me know :slight_smile:

Thank you for the packet dump. When I checked the packet dump file, it shows that your game server IP is

However when I checked this IP, this is “anycast” IP from Amazon AWS. :frowning: For details, the anycast IP please check Anycast - Wikipedia link. So due to that reason, it’s not easy to identify the real location of the game server.

Do you know where the real game server locates? If then I think you need to pick a mudfish node which closer to the real game server.

Or I think it’d better to pick a mudfish node closer to your physical location.

All i know is their servers are in Northern Virginia (Dulles to be more specific) which is the location of nodes i’ve been trying :frowning:

If their game server is at Amazon AWS, I think it’ll be one of Global Infrastructure Regions & AZs regions.

If it’s really at US East (N. Virginia), please try to test with “US East (Virginia - Lightsail)” mudfish node. I think it’s most closer one to the game server if it’s at there.

i only see this nodes available for new world, i tried all of them and not a single one is able to get less than 100ms even if they show around 60-70 in the rtt graph, i think it’s something related to amazon’s infrastructure or something like that because i also used mudfish to play Aion in a server located in Canada and i was able to get 75ms despite being farther away

@spart Please visit ‘Setup → Nodes’ menu and clear your limitation for picking the mudfish nodes. :slight_smile: I think that’s why you can’t see “US East (Virginia - Lightsail)” node.

i cleared the limitation but even with the Lightsail node i still get 100+ ms :frowning:

Umm… If it’s even the same with that mudfish node, might be that the game server is at the different location in my opinion. :roll_eyes:

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