Could you explain what the difference is between your pay by traffic and subscription plan? Does the subscription automatically take funds out each month and if so, how much does it take?
If you’re seeing that it’s on a subscription plan, please log out and sign in again. It’ll make difference because your account data plan is already changed to ‘pay-per-traffic’. If you’re still seeing the issue, please le me know.
According to your access log, yesterday you accessed to IPv4 and spent 305.8 / 134.6 MB. It seems that IPv4 is owned by Capcom and used for Dragon’s Dogma Online. I couldn’t know why your Dragon’s Dogame game client used this traffics. Is there any game updates yesterday?
Weird. However at this moment with limited information, I couldn’t figure out that the traffic was really transfered between your desktop and Capcom or some traffic calculation was wrong on mudfish side. If you want to verify this packet consumption, you can follow the steps as follows:
* Enables the expert mode by visiting ‘Setup -> Account -> Edit the profile’.
* When it’s enabled you can see ‘Advanced’ menu is shown on dashboard.
* Visit ‘Advanced -> Packet Dump’ menu and start the packet dump.
* When you see big traffic consumption, stop the packet dump and check your pcap file which found at mudfish installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN
Thank you for this packet dump. :-) I’d added it now. Could you please test after equipping ‘Street Fighter V’ item? Please try to specify a mudfish node you’d like to use at game item configuration for best result.
Is it true that this game is based on P2P technology? According to this packet dump, I can’t see any packets to your opponent if I see correctly. Just looking this packet dump file, it seems it’s not based on P2P.
If you get a chance, please send me a packet dump again for me while playing with your opponent if possible. :-)
혹시 가능하시다면 오리진 클라이언트 프로그램을 실행하기 이전에 Full VPN 모드 를 설정하여 적용후 오리진 프로그램을 실행하는 동안 잠깐 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프를 하여 보내주실 수 있으신가요?
제가 패킷을 살펴봐야 좀 더 가능 여부를 확인할 수 있을 듯 합니다. 근데 현재 배틀필드1 아이템을 사용하시면 게임 실행은 제대로 되시는지요?
Which mudfish node are you referring? And are you meaning that RTT avg is high? or RTT stddev is high?
I want to ask about sudden disconnect by some OS clearance or something, I kinda forget the pop up message, how to fix that?
At this moment, I can’t understand what’s your problem. When your problem happens again, please send me more details.
ㅠ.ㅠ Full VPN 모드를 Off 하시면 패킷 덤프가 제대로 진행이 되지 않습니다… 어흑… 해당 모드를 On 하시고 다시 시도 부탁드리겠습니다…
Unfortunately it’s not officially supported by Mudfish yet. As workaround you should use one of methods at Unsupported Games. And if you want to see it officially at Mudfish, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
I need some game packets to register new game.
일단 줄어드는 수준이 어느 정도이냐에 따라 달라 모입니다. 게임 안하는데 크레딧이 조금씩 계속 줄어요! 섹션을 우선 참고해 보시구요, 만약 줄어드는 수준이 먼가 너무 크다(?)라고 판단이 되시면 말씀해 주세요.
보통 그런 이슈의 경우 CDN 과 미꾸라지 이슈일 가능성이 매우 높습니다.