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:-) No problem.  I’d refunded it.  

Hi! Just topped up and got taxed again. :)

Could you confirm that How to check the basic functionality is working fine on your environment first? At least this should work.

Hi there! There seems to be an issue with my connection to Overwatch Asia (Singapore) through mudfish? The item shows that my RTT is at 3000, but in-game its at 40~50. This never before and there’s no error popping up in Mudfish. Thanks!

Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need some game packets to add or update the game item. :slight_smile:

At this moment, we don’t have a plan to upgrade the speed for Subscription data model. But we have a internal ticket for that because I’d got many requests from other users. :frowning: I hope it’ll be available soon.