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This page opens up whenever i start Mudfish VPN and asks me to log in. But whenever I log in, this happens.

Normally it means Mudfish Launcher failed to access master server. Did you try with Firewall Issues link?

Yes. I tried both the -o and the -t option. It gives the exact same thing as the picture.
I feel that it’s my account being bugged or something maybe?

Yep I can. Just sent the problem report.

I’m not sure that it’s blocked too because on my side I couldn’t see any reports from your side. :frowning: Could you please check Sending the Problem Report link again to see about how to send the problem report manually? Sorry for delays to solve your problem.

ok done it a few days ago.
[Mudfish Networks #98633]

Ooops. It seems I’d missed your report. Now I’d checked and have some questions.

* When I looked into your problem report, it seems you ran ‘muddiag.exe -o’ command while the mudfish isn’t running. The command makes a better problem report when the mudfish is running.
* It seems your network administrator blocks at least TCP port 10007 and 10008 ports. However I’m not sure that they blocked the authentication server also. At link, you can find a v4.3.10 version built for your cases. Could you please install it and then send a problem report again for me? At there, it has more verbose log messages.

Ok. I did as you said and sent another ticket at [Mudfish Networks #98792]

Yes… I’d checked and found that your network administrator installed web firewall and it looks all web traffics (to port 80) are monitored and filtered by web firewall. A good news is I found that the firewall doesn’t filter SSL (port 443) traffics so we can try another patches. I’ll let you know when the patch is available.

However according to your problem report, it seems sometimes mudfish was fine to run because I can see the following logs.

[0.003999] [INFO] mudfish v4.3.10 (for x86_64)
[0.003999] [INFO] Timestamp: Mon Nov 09 08:07:04 2015

[0.003999] [INFO] Connection protocol: tcp_https
[0.003999] [INFO] Authenticating…
[0.386287] [INFO] Fetching the static node for v2…
[1.134831] [INFO] TAP-Win32 Driver GUID {9DE81755-DD09-471C-98FE-445E82AB9C4C}

These lines mean that at Mon Nov 09 08:07:04 2015, mudfish launched successfully on your environment. At that moment, were you on other location?

Oh oh… Did you enable Full VPN mode at that moment? Could you please test it again after disabling Full VPN mode? It seems this issue could happen if it’s on… If it works afer disabling it, it looks I made a wrong package with missing one line code. :frowning:

Hmm there seems to be no errors with Full VPN off. But I have no way to test if it works properly since my games requires steam to start (and I can only find the item for Steam site, not the steam app).

I think you can follow Quickstart for v4 link to test the basic functionalities. If it works, you can assume that everything is working correctly except Full VPN.

Ok everything seems to be working fine. DNS failure was probably some weird random internet error at that time. It seems to be working properly now. Thanks for your help.

답변 드렸습니다. :-)  

추가해 드렸습니다.  :-) 한번 테스트 부탁드려도 될까요?  

full vpn 모드에서는 국외 아이피 차단 페이지가 안떴는데 지금은 국외 아이피 차단 페이지가 뜨네요 넷마블 아이콘 모양에서 asia(japan) 맞죠?

안녕하세요? 미꾸라지팀 입니다. 패킷 덤프는 위 순서대로 진행하시면 되고, 그리고 추가 질문을 제가 잘 이해했다면 게임은 미꾸라지를 통해서, TS3는 미꾸라지를 통하지 않고 이용하고 싶으신 것으로 생각되는데요…해당 문제가 해결되서 아이템을 종량제로 이용하시면 게임은 미꾸라지를 통해서, TS3는 미꾸라지를 통하지 않고 동시에 이용 가능합니다.

음… 혹시 가능하시다면 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프 링크를 참조하셔서 베트남롤 하시는 동안 잠시 패킷 덤프 뜨셔서 저에게 보내주실 수 있으신가요?  게임 관련 패킷이 있어야 제가 아이템 업데이트가 가능합니다. :-)

게임 업데이트를 해보았는데요, 한번 세팅하셔서 한번 시도해 보시겠어요?  혹시나 제대로 동작하지 않는다면 말씀해 주세요.  

Hi! Was wondering if you have any tips to prevent the app from make a new network everytime? Thanks!