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All Japanese VPN server are extremely slow and stutter. Mobile Suit Gundam Online is unplayable. Please solve issues!!!

Sorry. problems resume again. :frowning:

To clarify your heartbeat issue, please check mudfish code logs which be available at ‘Dashboard -> Status -> Process’. At there you can find some heartbeat related error messages. And if you don’t mind, you can send me the Problem Report to send me detail logs.

And for halting issue of mudfish nodes, I feel sorry for this inconvenience. It seems ISP providing mudfish nodes forcibly restarts my boxes to remove Xen security vulnerability. :frowning: It should be okay now.

thank you. Report sent

Please see my comment at below. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much

What problem did you have when connecting? Please be specific. Not all Japanese nodes can connect to MSGO.

Not all nodes work, I suggest you to try SakuraNet.

Good thing that RTT of Conoha 1,2 have improved a lot.
thumbs up!!

Thank you for sending the problem report.  Is there any problem to use Mudfish?  If then please elaborate little bit for me. :-)  

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