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Will there be support for Monster Hunter Online as an “Equip Items” option? Thank you.

It is not unfortunately, it’s a chinese-based MMO called Monster Hunter Online from Tencent.

Thanks for the quick response and support, I’ll test it when I get home from work later today. Also, it is spelled “Monter Hunter Online” in the item category if you want to change it later for people to Ctrl + F it.

Ooops :slight_smile: Thank you for pointing this issue. I’d fixed a typo.

Tested and so far no disconnection after two hours of playing and not using other data from other programs IE streaming, voip, etc. Thanks for the quick response and happy to be a new customer!

Cool. Please let me know if there are any issues to use Mudfish.

SIR about MHO connection which country node will make the game more smooth?

SIR about MHO connection which country node will make the game more smooth?

Frankly speaking there is no a clear answer for your question because depending on your ISP, international network status or game server ISP your connection could be affected. Before picking a mudfish node, please be aware that

* Choose a node whish is closer to your location or game server location.

* RTT Std is very important for stable connection.

admin help :V

되는거 확인됫습니다^^ 항상 잘쓰고있습니다!

Did you check How do I know if its working? section while playing the game?  Please check there’s activities on the graph because it represents whether Mudfish is working for the game or not.