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Recently when i open mudfish and open dashboard by mudfish luncher sign in page( only show white screen Try to refresh but can’t get to sign in It’s work perfect before any solution? thx *It’s open by Chorme browser

Ooops… It seems that mudrun_stdout.txt result is trimmed by maximum char limitation of Mudfish forums. Could you send me again to ?

ok I already sent to your email

Oh I try exclude whole folder of mudrun from windowdefender and It’s work fine now .

*don’t know why I turn-off windowdefender but It’s didn’t work

음… 혹시 미꾸라지 어디에서 사용하시는지요?  살펴보면 먼가 네트워크 방화벽에 의해 연결이 차단되는 경우가 아닐까 한데요, 혹시 학교, 관공서, 회사 등등의 장소에서 사용하시는지요?  
우선 중계 서버와의 통신 문제 해결의 살펴보셔서 연결 프로토콜을 조금씩 변경하시면서 시도해 보셨는지요?  

:-) 해결이 되셨다니 다행입니다.  혹시 다른 이슈 있으시면 언제든지 말씀해 주세요.  

다른분들이 보내주신 패킷분서후 추가예정입니다

Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.

Please check my answer at the previous topic.

Please let us know the Order ID


I used the mobile app to store the value and did not get any money.

There’s an unique alphanumeric ID by 10 characters

Only payment information in the phone


There is no record of my stored value on your website!!!

Please take a look at the Order ID in your receipt that starts M


Sorry for this inconvenience. :frowning: I’d topped your mudfish credits manually. Please check and let me know if there’s something wrong.